Maureen Hearty's art & community work
The life cycle phases of the jellyfish are beautiful forms that seem like imagination gone wild.
The mating of some beetle species can be compared to battles between Roman gladiators, they will fight to the death – males against males, and females against females – until only one pair remains. This process ensures that the strongest of their kind will produce offspring.
The mysterious salamander love dark, wet places, often in deep woods which is why salamanders are the stars of numerous legends, such as; being a creature of fire, anyone who is smeared with its blood will be immune to harm from fire. Salamanders are at risk of extinction due to gentrification. We are destroying their habitat for developmental construction and agriculture, diminishing the diversity and number of salamanders in the world.
Sea anemone’s are great collaborators. In exchange for providing algae safe harbor and exposure to sunlight, the anemone receives oxygen and sugar, the bi-products of the algae's photosynthesis. The Clownfish live within the anemone’s tentacles, getting protection from predators while the anemone snacks on the scraps from the clownfish’s meals.