Maureen Hearty's art & community work

Cultures throughout time and place have seen flocks of birds as an announcement of spring, and the yearly rebirth of nature. People often think of birds as messengers of life, accompanied by the knowledge that migration has an important role to play in ecosystem functioning. This is my kinetic offering to the cycle of bird migration. Please follow the link to a Vimeo video of the sculpture in action.

Civilization depends on the ability to transport raw materials, finished goods & people over long distances. This ability is also one of the leading contributors to the destruction of our planet.

Migration is a biological truth.

1 - 2 - 3 Jump!

“Anything one person can imagine, other people can make real.” ― Jules Verne Along the frontier, innovation and invention were requirements for survival. The late19th century sought and found ways to utilize the energy provided by that great natural resource of the prairie—the wind. Wind wagons could move up to 40 miles per hour. Let's go!


“If you want to be happy, put your effort into controlling the sail, not the wind.” - Anonymous

Sail away sail away sail away.

A moving picture showing the north to south adventures of the arctic tern.